Monday 30 January 2017

What are that benefits of AI Personal Assistant

An AI personal assistant is a software device that can do a variety of different tasks or services for an individual or business. It can do all the tasks that one ordinary personal assistant can do. Besides normal tasks, AI personal assistant can fetch the information from online sources. For example, it can detect the traffic conditions, weather conditions, stock prices, latest news and user daily schedules. It can also check your messages and emails from your laptop and mobile and update you about every meeting on time. Presently there are many AI personal assistant are available in the market like Amazon Alexa, Google Now, there are Samsung's S Voice, BlackBerry's Assistant, Apple's Siri, Facebook's M and others. Apple's Siri is the first personal assistant that was developed using artificial intelligence. Most of the people in the world who are living in the hi-tech world are aware of the functioning of this eye chanting software. Apple Siri can recognize the voice and answers you about each and every question that you asked for her. Many new and more advanced personal assistants are available on the markets that are not only used in offices, but also in home as they are very helpful in home security. IF you are going on avocation but concerned about your home’s security, you will not have to worry knowing your AI personal assistant can look after your house in your absence. You can also connect this device to your mobile phone to get updates and notifications.

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