Wednesday 8 March 2017

Virtual Personal Assistant- helping the unorganized

There has been an immense growth in the virtual working industry. Business people have come to understand the significance of virtual personal assistant services so they are using it at their best. And, the way it has been looked out, there is no problem that it will carry on to increase for not even years, but several decades.

With an increasingly globalized economy, fast internet connections, as well as computers, the virtual personal assistant as well as admin associates will definitely continue to grow. Today, if you are doing business, then it is very essential for you to contract out non-core business services to a trustworthy company. This will help you in focusing on core business projects rather than wasting your resources& energy on non-core tasks. And, outsourcing admin or personal assistance services to a virtual assistant such as talking assistant is a good alternative for your business.

The online personal assistant idea was launched by a group of small business specialists a few years back. But, people did not really begin to take advantage of it until markets were badly hit by recessions across the world. Various business owners became insolvent, but some of them who had the idea of personal assistants began getting in touch with their fellow countries such as India (where the charge of appointing an employee is cheap). Companies began outsourcing their key as well as essential business services to Indian organizations. And, in this way, India became one of the best outsourcing places all over the globe.

Virtual personal assistants take on all the needful tasks from morning till the conclusion of the day. Hotel booking, managing transport, planning your routine timetable, replying calls, and managing emails – virtual personal assistants have everything to offer you.

Monday 27 February 2017

Things to consider before hiring a Personal Assistant

Obtaining an AI personal assistant in place of a conventional office-based assistant is the best alternative for many people. Many business owners opt to have virtual employees rather than in-house employees as it is very easy to find great virtual assistant services. Through a simple internet search, you will get to know companies or freelance experts that provide different services.

Before you search for an expert or service provider online, look at what tasks you need to hand over. The common tasks that are hired out to a virtual assistant are secondary, unprofitable back office tasks. There are some tasks that should be completed within your working site. There are also some tasks that only you should do. The rest can be contracted out to online service providers.

If you want to appoint a personal assistant, your choice is to either appoint a freelance VA or go to a VA company and ask them to offer you with a talented assistant. Freelance experts may provide services at affordable rates. If you're fortunate you can find a truly capable freelancer. You can get one from job websites, where people post their resumes. The thing is that you have no way to check what you find on resumes. Organizations, alternatively, spare you the difficulty of winding up with an awful virtual employee. They appoint people and instruct them to become capable online experts. Also, personal virtual assistant is efficiently trained in order to bring incompetent and quality service that your business requires.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Benefits of Calendar Management Tool

Nowadays, many new software tools or applications are created, promising to make your life easier in some way. When it comes to the IT industry, in particular, there are many software tools designed to help make project management more efficient. However, not all these systems contain same features, so before buying it you must think about which feature is most important to you.

One amazing innovation that will help you to complete your projects on time is a calendar management tool.

With the help of this tool, you can prioritize your tasks and mark down deadlines or events on your online calendar. The calendar management tool allows you to share your details of tasks with others or keep it private according to your choice. When you want to start your new project online then this tool provides you project templates, which will help you to do so. The user can also set this tool with preset tasks, event, contacts or groups that you have already set up in the system. This will save your time from writing down all of the same contacts again and again and you can also manage the same details on a different project more easily.

Teamwork is a keystone of a lot of projects and with the best project management system, a manager can easily manage the whole team than ever before. This software is easily available on the market and user can also modify it according to their personal need.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Artificial Intelligence in Farming Equipment

There is no sector left in which you cannot see the massive impact of artificial intelligence. The agriculture sector is also enjoying the benefits of AI technology. But the main problem is that most of folks don't know how to use this technology in agriculture in an effective way. It is found that there is a vast knowledge gap among farmers and technologists and because of this, it is very hard to make a bridge between them. With the help of AI technology, there are many types of equipment are created that help in the production of the crop in a suitable way. But due to the lack of knowledge farmers are not confident to use these devices.

There are few areas of agriculture in which you hardly see the revolutionize impact of AI technology because its execution depends on the hand of farmers, who stills believe in the previous thumb rule of farming. Using new technology and devices are quite confusing and frustrating for them and they are very much comfortable in their old farming practicing. The technologist has created an AI assistant for the help of farmers which are capable of updating them at the time of planting, time of applying fertilizer, bale, harvest, till etc. The best part of this software is that it can also update farmers about the climatic condition so that they can make their farming planning after considering all these facts. Other than this, the scheduling tool offers them a facility to schedule the important dates so that they can do their farming taste before it passed away.

Monday 30 January 2017

What are that benefits of AI Personal Assistant

An AI personal assistant is a software device that can do a variety of different tasks or services for an individual or business. It can do all the tasks that one ordinary personal assistant can do. Besides normal tasks, AI personal assistant can fetch the information from online sources. For example, it can detect the traffic conditions, weather conditions, stock prices, latest news and user daily schedules. It can also check your messages and emails from your laptop and mobile and update you about every meeting on time. Presently there are many AI personal assistant are available in the market like Amazon Alexa, Google Now, there are Samsung's S Voice, BlackBerry's Assistant, Apple's Siri, Facebook's M and others. Apple's Siri is the first personal assistant that was developed using artificial intelligence. Most of the people in the world who are living in the hi-tech world are aware of the functioning of this eye chanting software. Apple Siri can recognize the voice and answers you about each and every question that you asked for her. Many new and more advanced personal assistants are available on the markets that are not only used in offices, but also in home as they are very helpful in home security. IF you are going on avocation but concerned about your home’s security, you will not have to worry knowing your AI personal assistant can look after your house in your absence. You can also connect this device to your mobile phone to get updates and notifications.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Contacts grabber for LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great platform for searching connections and developing your network. It is not possible to close deals with further LinkedIn connections. You have to go and get the business, make it private and inquire for the deal. Use free CRM software to add them to your calling list.

Contacts grabber for LinkedIn helps you search and bring in contacts from LinkedIn into any other application. It offers ability to fast refer LinkedIn and bring in contacts, without opening a browser and copying information yourself.

An updated and precise contact list is essential for any business to be successful. Even though the above statement is correct, one of the key challenges that small business owners and marketing experts come across today is to grab contacts from different sources and send them to a contact list.

In general, small business owners and marketing experts get leads from different sources such as web pages, online directories, emails, and customer sales queries. They dedicate a majority of their time to physically copying and pasting every contact information into the individual fields of the contact list. This is an annoying and time-wasting task for busy specialists. It drains their efficiency and stops them from working on their essential business activities.

Duplicate entries are another problem. Adding extra resources completely for contact grabbing only burdens the present budget and it neither assures data precision nor data idleness. This is where technology plays an essential role in automating contact grabbing.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Customer relationship management – A new way to manage customers data

Customer relationship management is a way to manage customer’s data that is analysed throughout the lifecycle or interaction with the customer during business process.  This is used to improve business relationships with the aim to help in sales and growth of the business. There are softwares called CRM software available to manage  better Customer relationship. Some the website like Gleezo provides a free CRM software this is one of the best softwares among others which are available in the market.

These softwares are used on different platforms and across different channels. It contains the communication details between the company and clients, which may include all the information of the company like company’s website, telephone numbers, Emails and social media channels. CRM software actually manages all the information of  customers into a single database so businessman can easily use it. The main functions of CRM include recordings of the customer interaction, their Emails, Chats. It manages workflow and helps in maintaining all the tasks which help managers to track the performance of the particular client who is logged into the system.

Free CRM Software
Free CRM Software

There are some of the features of CRM software :-

Automatic marketing- This tool helps in marketing like a real human being. It makes real efforts to convert a sale into a deal. For example, as a sale is about to commence the system will automatically start sending sale materials to the customer.

Preventing duplicate sales-These marketing tools help in preventing duplicate sales as it keeps the records of all  customers and their details. So once you have a deal with a customer it prevents, the repetitive calling to the person.